
Michael Adam Beck is a pastor, professor, author, and thought leader in the Fresh Expressions movement.

From workshops, keynotes, and conferences, our team inspires Missional Innovation and launches teams into action. We teach across the United States and abroad with multiple organizations.

Traditionally training has been associated with teaching a person or group particular information so they can grow in a skill or behavior. However, missional innovation requires a further dimension. It’s more action-oriented, in the embodiment of this knowledge in new ways.

There is no one size fits all congregation, and there is no one size fits all revitalization process. Every church is a series of interlocking relationships: with God, with each other, with the wider church, and with a given context. Our process is custom fit and tailor-made for your church, denomination, and network.

God has given every person a set of gifts, skills, calling, and a vision. We call a person’s personal vision their “God-dream.” God has planted in your soul the seed of a dream for your life. We come alongside missional innovators to help them cultivate their God-dream.

Amid a Christian landscape that looks and feels like a desert of decline, God is up to something.


Denominational Partners


Fresh Expressions Pathways built with our partners


Keynotes, Workshops and Interactive Conversations


Local Fresh Expressions Started by our team

Equipping for your Context

We understand every denomination, conference, and church has a unique need. Our trainers are equipped with the ability to design services around the needs of your area.

  • Introductions and Next Steps
  • Rural, Urban, and Suburban contexts
  • Compassion-Centered
  • Evangelism and Discipleship
  • Innovative and Generic models

Rating: 5 out of 5.

“Excellent Presenter”

“Rev. Dr. Michael Beck is an excellent presenter! He captivated the attention of over 1000 people at our Annual Conference, lay and clergy, and inspired them through his teaching on some of his latest work on Contextual Intelligence and Blended Ecology as outlined in several of his books. Along with his teaching, he also provided a session for people to engage in deeper learning and dialogue. So, if you’re looking for a dynamic, inspirational and motivational speaker, I highly recommend Dr. Beck.”

Bishop Tracy S. Malone
Resident Bishop of the East Ohio Conference
United Methodist Church

Rating: 5 out of 5.

“Essential Interpreter”

“Michael Beck has been at the heart of the fresh expressions story. He is emerging as an essential interpreter for us all.”

Bishop Ken Carter
Resident Bishop of the Western North Carolina Conference
United Methodist Church

Rating: 5 out of 5.

“Practical Guide”

“Michael is quite adept at shepherd malpractice—he frequently leaves the 99 to go after one lost sheep—I love that about him. I love even more that devoted local church folks follow him in that malpractice. If you want a practical guide to help your church live into the blended ecology, and a practitioner who lives it every day, you’ve found him in Michael Beck.”

Bishop Sue Haupert-Johnson
Resident Bishop of the Virginia Conference
United Methodist Church

Rating: 5 out of 5.

“Skin in the Game”

“Michael does not produce your typical “how to” books written by an author whose core adventure ended years ago. Beck has ongoing “skin in the game” and has reflected on his successes and struggles with reaching lost people and helping longtime Christians to embrace the future. His work is important and points a true way forward to help communities of faith to engage their neighbors with the Gospel.”

Dr. Brian D. Russell
Professor of Biblical Studies

Rating: 5 out of 5.

“Breath of Fresh Air”

“There are now many signposts that are pointing to the notion that the future shape of church will and should be ‘blended’, and Michael offers a compelling argument for that. He consistently offers important editions to the growing library of theological and missional thinking around fresh expressions of church, and his innovative and engaging approach is a breath of fresh air!”

Phil Potter
Author Pioneering a New Future, The Challenge of Change, and UK Archbishops’ Missioner and Fresh Expressions Team Leader.

Rating: 5 out of 5.

“Scriptural Imagination”

“With rich metaphors grounded in Scriptural imagination, a focus on “the way” rather than “models,” and stories deeply rooted in years of pastoral experience, Beck helps his readers discover the why and how of grafting fresh expressions onto the rootstock of the inherited church. He produces important books for pastors, laity, district superintendents and conference staff including bishops who are reach out for God’s new way.”

Janice Huie
Retired Bishop
United Methodist Church

Rating: 5 out of 5.

“Spiritual Entrepreneur”

“God often raises up leaders from unexpected roots through whom the Spirit breathes new life into the church. Michael Beck is one of those spiritual entrepreneurs. He helps us uncover the living and active presence of Christ in the surprising and the unanticipated.”

Paul Chilcote, Ph. D.

Rating: 5 out of 5.

“Substantial Contributor”

“Michael Beck is likely to become a substantial contributor to the ongoing missional conversation as it seeks to assist the inherited forms of church recover their unique calling of being sent by God into the world.”

Alan Hirsch
author of category shifting books including, The Shaping of Things to Come, The Forgotten Ways and 5Q, and founder of 100 Movements, Forge, and Future Travelers

Michael’s Books

Learn more about Michael’s work through his writings. His books range from theological texts to ministry resources for individuals and teams.

Book-Based Training

Each of these trainings focuses on one of Michael Beck’s books and provides scholarly insights that are rooted in practical experience.

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The Latest from the Blog

  • The Five Types – Fellowship Centered
    At their best, these congregations can become a place where healthy conversations, and deep intimacy, can help people grow and heal.
  • The Five Types – Outreach Centered
    The outreach centered congregation lives to serve its community. Their central value is service (διακονέω) meaning embodying the good news in word and deed. Their heart beats to connect with new people and build relationships.
  • The Five Types – Proclamation Centered
    This is a community of people who rally around the faithful preaching and teaching of Scripture. Worship services and Bible studies are the life stream of this congregation.